My name is Dr. Chase Gardner and I offer a NEW, Non-invasive, Non-medicine and Non surgical Low Back Pain relief protocol that combines the best Muscle & Joint innovative procedures to get you back to painless knee function and relief.
What is Causing my Low Back Pain? Pain in the low back is caused by the bulging discs that are in the spine. These bulging discs are like car tires that are flat, when a tire is flat it will bulge outward.
Bulging discs aka "Flat Tires" When you have bulging discs in the spine then there is pinching on the nerves in the area of the spine and this causes pain.
Solution Pump up The Flat tire
The disc or the tire is flat so you need to pump up the disc in order to have less pinching and pain. This is accomplished through decompression & Chiropractic care.